Kent, M.L., & Lane, A.B. (2017). A rhizomatous metaphor for dialogic theory. Public Relations Review, 43(3), 568–578.
Dialogue is more of a communication mindset than a tactic or method. It is deeper than just discussion; participating in dialogue involves building relationships on empathy, trust, and humility in an effort to improve the lives of all participants. Rhizomes are good metaphors for this relationship. A rhizome is an underground stem that grows continuously, sending out other stems that grow above ground. In this metaphor, the underground stem represents ongoing dialogue that happens largely out of the public eye. The complex, nonlinear roots growing off the underground stem represent dialogic interactions. The stems that grow above ground represent publicly visible outcomes - the shared understanding and meaning that is created through continuous dialogue.
Two-way dialogue is the bedrock of modern communication strategies. The rhizomatous metaphor clarifies that dialogue is not just exchanging words. Dialogue means building a relationship over time. The effort communicators put into fostering shared meaning through dialogue will pay off in the form of more effective organizational communication strategies. This metaphor will help me remember the true nature of dialogue as I continue my career as a communications leader.
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate the ability to assess complex organizational environments and achieve communication goals.