Kennedy, J.T., & Jain-Link, P. (2021, June 21). What Does It Take to Build a Culture of Belonging? Harvard Business Review.
Taking steps to make all team members feel they belong at work is a great way to help foster a workplace culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. People feel they belong at work when their unique contributions are recognized, they’re connected to coworkers, they’re supported in their work and career development, and their proud of their organization’s values and purpose. Leaders can drive belonging by being inclusive, being a responsive, appreciative, and empowering manager, and being a respectful and supportive colleague. As a leader, it’s important to me that all my team members feel happy and valued at work, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background. This article provides a few small, concrete steps I can take on my never-ending journey to becoming a better leader. Learning Outcome 3: Address complex challenges by collaboratively leading teams across disciplines, distances, and sectors.